The Superpower You Possess (without even thinking about it)

By Joanna Goodman

Have you ever looked around the house: the mess, dishes, and unfinished projects that live only in your mind… and thought to yourself that EVERY moment of your life has brought you to THIS moment? My husband and I laugh about that now, but it can also make you want to scream or cry. 

I mean, we’re doing it. Being the mom, doing the things. And sometimes it seems our sanity lies somewhere under the piles of constantly rotating kid gear, or on the shelf next to our unfinished cup of coffee. We’re taking the time to have the hard conversations, create the memories they will delight in, and make sure to look them in their little eyes and be present along the way. 

And that’s when it hits you, as it should. Your superpower. You didn’t label it like that, but super it is, nonetheless. 

You were always meant for them. You were made to be their mama. That’s it. And it’s also everything. 

The chaos seems more celebratory, the mom guilt checks itself at the door, and the laundry seems less daunting (or at least easily moved to a less in-your-face location). Relish that you’re their mom completely and totally on purpose. That no matter how you came to each other, THIS is the moment that your whole life brought you to. It’s fairly amazing, just like you are, mama. 

Ready to capture those connections you work so hard to build? I’d LOVE to be the one to show you just how beautiful your family really is. But what am I saying? You already know that! Let’s just get it on camera.


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